Dear Members
Our people on motherland are still suffering from the effect of Sichuan Earthquake. I understand that many of us have been showing our supports to them on different aspects.
The Government of HKSAR has proposed a very meaningful project to install Monitoring Systems to give advance warning to the landslide-dammed lakes (堰塞湖) which if further damaged can flood a living plane of some half a million people.
The budget of this project is HK$3.0 million. FEMC & EMCA on behalf of all stakeholders of E&M contracting industry committed to supporting the project. FSICA fully supports this commitment.
Development Bureau together with professional bodies and contractor associations will set up a special account for this and future relief projects.
I appeal your support and act immediately to donate generously for this very meaningful project. Please contact Ling Ho for the donation details.
地震發生後,造成北川部分地區被堰塞湖水淹沒,地震形成了大面積堰塞湖泊,如果設防不利,一旦堰塞湖決堤,其損害程度不下于一次地震。香港特別行政區政府發展局提出項目安裝監控系統給事前警告,防止再造成另一個災害。 這個項目預算是港幣3百萬。香港機電工程商聯會(FEMC)及香港機電工程商協會(EMCA)代表機電工程界承諾支持,消防商會(FSICA)全力支持並作出支援。
請與Ling Ho聯絡關於捐贈細節。
Peter Lam